Colorful Holi !!!

Holi, festival of colors, festival of spreading love and happiness. It is celebrated all over in the country, marking the  victory of good over evil, arrival of spring and end of winter. So here I wish you all a very Happy Holi!!

We all love playing with colors from our childhood, don’t we? And Holi is perfect day to play with colors, with your friends and family. I always get excited when Holi, getting drenched in colors with all smiles around.
But gone are the days when these colors were more of a natural thing. Nowadays harmful chemicals are added in color which damage our skin and hair. After playing Holi, we always feel dryness and itchiness in our body and hair scalp due to harmful colors.

So, to protect skin and hair from these colors, I’m sharing the home remedies which i always follow before and after Holi party. And trust me girls, they’re the easiest ones to do and really worth it.

For hair,
Always massage your hair and scalp with coconut oil before going out. It totally protects your hair and control dryness from chemicals.
Additionally you can also use a protective cap.

For skin,
Apply lots of body cream which is sticky and greasy. Boroline or any ayurvedic cream can be a good option to apply all over the body before going out. It will protect your skin from dryness and itchiness.

But, sometimes colors doesn’t remove after one bath. To remove it, you can make a home made pack or body scrub.

  • Pack – take gram flour (besan) and milk cream, mix it well. Then apply it to your body while bath.
  • Body Scrub – take 2 teaspoon of split black gram(safed urad ki dal) and 1 teaspoon of lemon and pinch of turmeric Powder. Grind it well till it becomes a paste. 
    Add water if need.

By following these steps, I’m sure you are ready to rock and roll for after Holi parties.

And do let me know in comments section if you liked these suggestions. You can also DM me your queries if there are any, I would be really happy to help you out.

So guys, get set go and Happy Holiiiiiiiii!!!

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